What To do When In An Accident! 
Stop and turn you car off and never leave the scene of an accident. If it is safe to move your car out of busy traffic, pull over to the side to prevent you or an occupant from being struct by another oncoming vehicle. Make sure it is safe to get out of your car. If you smell gas, get out immediately and move quickly away from car!
Call The Police Immediately (911)
You will need a police report for your insurance company. When the police arrive and ask you if you are injured, say you do not know. Check others to see if they are OK, they may need to be checked out for even minor accidents. Keep a record of all things said by the police and others involved. Do not make deals with others who collided with you when they ask you NOT to call the police. There are always underlying reasons
why this person does not want the police involved. Chances are they have legal or criminal troubles already and you will not get whatever they promise.
Remember to Obtain:
- Driver and passenger names.
- License plate numbers, take pictures.
- Insurance info (exchange or take phone pic).
- Makes and models of all vehicles involved.
- Contact info for any eyewitnesses (Very Important).
- Location of the accident.
- The name and badge number of any responding police officers.
- Do not rely on Police Officer to get all the information while many important facts are sometimes left out of the report.
*If you feel you need emergency care then by all means go to the nearest ER. However, if you are not sure if you need ER care, then come and see us and let us determine which care would be best for you.
Use your cell phone or camera to take pictures of your car and other cars involved. Take pictures of any injuries that you might have. Exchange info with officer and especially show your insurance card. Get the police report numbers so you can get a copy. If there are any bystanders or others around you in vehicles, get their names and numbers as a witness.
If your pain is severe enough go to the nearest hospital. If not come in immediately to Louisville's Injury Care Chiropractic. Most injuries do not show up right away and swelling, soreness and stiffness are signs of impending pain about to happen from the damage to your body. Do not wait!
NEVER ADMIT FAULT or blame others, leave that up to the police or it can be determined by the pictures you take at the scene. If the other person/s admit fault, write this down or record it on your phone.